『アメリカ黒人史─奴隷制から BLM まで』

『アメリカ黒人史─奴隷制から BLM まで』(ちくま新書)




2020年12月9日発売です。Click to view on Amazon


Comments from James M. Vardaman:

The first version of this book--now titled Black American History: From Slavery to BLM--covered politics, economics, culture, music, and laws that evolved over four centuries through the early presidency of Barack Obama.

This new edition, stimulated in part by the murder of George Floyd, brings us to the election of Biden and Harris, with special attention to the issues of systemic racism that have stimulated broad support for Black Lives Matter.

Intended for the Japanese reading public, this book covers what the Japanese media does not report on and what Japanese people are, in general, unaware of. It attempts to explain why there  are protests and demonstrations, how hard it is to be black in America, and why everyone needs to become active.